It is wrong to believe that eating grass will replace a deworming treatment .
Depending on the dogs age or size , vets will recommend the right choice of treatment .
There are 2 types of worms:
- The Hookworm
We will see these often on puppies and adult dogs living in groups and they are difficult to find because they are rarely found in the stools. They feed in the blood pumped in the intestine. They are very small in dimension but can cause severe damages in the intestinal walls, then a severe case of anaemia that could be fatal. - The Ascaris
These worms are round shaped, white and they could reach up to 20 cm long. These worms infest most puppies and are transmitted during the mother's pregnancy or by the mother's maternal milk. They feed directly in the intestine and can cause growth retardation or numerous health problems like vomiting, constipation, diarrhea, weight loss and sometimes the perforation of the intestines. The Acaris can be transmitted to humans by the puppies stools. - The Whipworms
These worms measure between 2 to 4 cm in length and are noticeable by their extremities which are rolled inwards. They live in the big intestine and feed on the dogs blood which then pump it through the colon walls, causing diarrhea and painfull hemorrhagic inflammations and anaemia . These are found on dogs living in groups and are very resistant to deworming treatments. Their eggs are evacuated in the ground and can remain there many years and infest another group of dogs.
- The Tapeworm
This worm can grow up to 80 cm long and contaminates the dog through the flea which carry their larvae. The eggs are evacuated in their rings and the tapeworm presence can be identified in the stools. There is a possibility of anaemia and causes never ending itching in the anal area . The dog has no other choice than to drag his back side on the ground to relieve himself.